What I Want for Christmas

When traffic is heavy, people are rude, and there are three cars fighting for one parking space, you know it’s Christmas.

When the radio stations start playing Christmas music in early November, you know it’s Christmas.

 When people push and shove over last-minute gifts, misbehaving children get threatened by their parents that they have Santa on speed dial, and the one toy that your kid really wants is all sold out, you know it’s Christmas.

When there’s Christmas Eve shopping, filthy street Santa that smells like mouthwash and liquor, and after assembling toys, you have several pieces leftover, you know it’s Christmas.

When both children and adults complain about their gifts, and there are arguments over kids wanting to play with each other toys, you know it’s Christmas.

When it’s Christmas day, you’re hungry, and the only food places that are open, are Chinese food restaurants, (Actually, I like this one), but you know it’s Christmas.

When did Christmas go from celebrating the birth of Jesus to this?

How did it go from a time of giving and sharing to, “This is what I want for Christmas.”

Has Christmas gone awry?

Honestly, Christmas has always been this way over my lifetime. Sure, as a child I didn’t notice, because my parents tried to make Christmas very special for me.

However, as I got older, different stories surfaced about a variety of adventures that took place obtaining my Christmas presents. There were other stories of my parents racing to finish assembling my toys. They were able to get the last piece to finally snap in place, just as they heard my little feet hit the stairs early Christmas morning.

Yes, my parents did teach me about Santa Claus, and I have several pictures of Santa and me to prove it. My parent’s hearts were in the right place. They were raised to believe in Santa, and they thought it was fun. Even I must admit at the time I also thought it was fun.

We baked cookies and poured milk for an overweight man who brought gifts down the chimney. I look back now on how ridiculous that was because we didn’t have a real fireplace. It was fake.

However, every year like clockwork, I believed that Santa, not my parents, gave me those gifts. To me, Christmas was like my second birthday.

I can’t tell you exactly when, but several years ago, I experienced many of those, “you know it’s Christmas” situations. So, I had to ask myself a question, “Whose birthday is it?”

Of course, on Christmas, we are supposed to celebrate the birthday of Jesus. I had been taught that from my youth. However, despite that, I along with others around me would send out our Christmas wish list to our family, friends, and anyone who would listen.

I could be wrong, but why are we asking for gifts on Jesus’s birthday? How would you feel if, on your birthday, people passed out presents to one another, and totally forgot about you?

Don’t you think we should take the time and ask Jesus what he wants on his birthday? Or have we gotten to the point that we don’t care?

I was recently asked by one of the ministers at my church to help serve for a toy distribution drive. The drive was to take place early on a Saturday morning. I must admit, the thought of getting up early on a Saturday morning to serve wasn’t very exciting to me. The problem wasn’t the work, the problem was I work long hours during the week. I wake up very early in the morning, and I get to bed very late at night. I feel that I need the extra rest Saturday mornings.

Despite that, I decided to serve on that Saturday morning. We had to carry bags of toys approximately the length of a football field and put the bags into the trunk or backseat of the vehicles.

It was cold. It was a steady rain/sleet mixture falling, and by the time I was done, I was tired, cold, wet, and hungry. But for the first time in a long time, I felt that I did something for Jesus’ birthday that he would approve. That is what giving at Christmas is all about.

 It’s time that we as Christians, get back to pleasing Christ on Christmas. Doing what he wants on his birthday. I must say, I will do it again, and even more.                                                            

It’s not difficult to determine what Jesus wants on his birthday (and every day). He has a heart for the children, the poor, the sick, and the unsaved. There are many ways you can help one or many of these groups this Christmas.

I have posted below several links to organizations that either help children, the sick, or the poor.

Make Jesus the reason for the season in five ways:

1) Give donations to the charities that help children.


Is a charitable organization that helps with the health, education, and protection of children throughout the world.  


“St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital is to advance cures, and means of prevention, for pediatric catastrophic diseases through research and treatment. Consistent with the vision of our founder Danny Thomas, no child is denied treatment based on race, religion or a family’s ability to pay.”


“Prison Fellowship Angel Tree™ equips churches to strengthen relationships between incarcerated parents and their children and support the families of prisoners year-round.”

2) Giving toys to kids on Christmas:


“The Foundation raises funds, purchases toys, provides promotional and support materials, manages all funds raised and donated, solicits corporate support, educates the public, and handles day-to-day operations. Presently, the Marine Toys for Tots Program distributes an average of 18 million toys to 7 million less fortunate children annually.”

local Toy Drives   

Many of the links I’ve posted are national organizations. However, if you’re looking to do something to help your local community, you can search online for “Toy drives near me”. You should find a list of toy drives in your area. If not, you may consider starting your own toy drive.   

3) Feeding the poor/needy:


“Samaritan’s Purse has helped meet needs of people who are victims of war, poverty, natural disasters, disease, and famine with the purpose of sharing God’s love through His Son, Jesus Christ.”

www.voa.org (Volunteers of America)

“Our Ministry of Service, known as a church without walls, we are feeding hungry families, sheltering the homeless, and providing spiritual support for over one million people around the country. We lead with faith and service, shaping a better future for the neighbor in need, their family, and their community.​”

4) Blessing others by Paying it forward:

You may have heard of the phrase, “Pay it forward.” An example of this is if you are in a fast-food line, you reach the pay window, and you ask to pay for the bill of the person behind you. That’s paying it forward. People have done this for fast food restaurants, and groceries.

In other situations, I’ve heard of people paying families utility bills, and monthly car or mortgage notes. Whatever you do, just be led by GOD.

5) Winning souls for Jesus

If you want to give the very best gift to Jesus for Christmas, get someone saved. Winning souls was the reason Jesus came to earth from heaven. We should be winning souls on a daily basis.

First, our lifestyles should represent Jesus to the people around us. When family, friends, neighbors, and coworkers see you, they should be seeing the Jesus in you.

Second, witnessing to the people around you about Jesus is a command from the One who called us. We should be willing to share Jesus with others.

Finally, winning souls for GOD is the ultimate goal. GOD sent us out to be labors for HIM. Reaping the harvest, (Saving souls) is the best gift, not only for Christmas but all year.

In conclusion, What do I want for Christmas? I don’t want any Christmas gifts for myself. I want to please Jesus. I want to give Jesus what he wants, to help the children, the needy, and the sick. But, the best gift that you can give to GOD is to win the lost.

Have a Merry Christmas!

JB Andrews   

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