The Election Election time is here, and the candidates are vying for your vote. On television, radio, and social media, some are …

In the United States, Memorial Day is when people honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice by giving their lives. From the …

Revelation 16:15 “Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and …

Last month, in the United States, some celebrated Juneteenth. Juneteenth takes place on June 19th. It is the commemoration of the day …

Oh No! He thought it was over, however, it’s happening again! But why now? It’s been several months since he last experienced …

Recently, while driving around the city, I turned on the local gospel radio station, where they played Jingle Bells and a rendition …

Remember the cute cartoon called the Pied Piper? If you are not familiar with the story, it begins in a small shipping …

There was a very prominent preacher who said that while he was in prayer, the Lord told him something that he thought …

                                              If you’re like me and hang around Bible circles, chances are that you have gotten into a debate over one of …

I was preparing to head out the door for a scheduled appointment, and as usual, I did my checklist. Wallet? Check! Keys? …

There was a time when it was seen everywhere. It was seen in basketball arenas, baseball, and football stadiums. It was seen …

I was recently at home one weekend, on a bright, warm, and sunny spring day. I was resting in my bed when …

It was a bright sunny day. The temperature was a little hot, but the occasional breeze made it perfect. The person to …

He’s in the bed inside the tiny house that he’s lived in since his birth. Without a miracle, it seems that he …

I think we’ve all seen documentaries about animals in the wild. The mother bird lays her eggs in the nest and waits …

So, you’re single and you meet someone. You exchange phone numbers and begin to talk. You have long, indebt conversations on the …


The grim face of the Lieutenant Commander tells the story as he carries the motionless body of his commanding officer into sickbay. …

Nowadays, people have so many different views and opinions, but there is at least one topic everyone can agree on. Everyone dislikes …

Fear Not!

At the time of this article, the world is in the midst of a Corona pandemic. News agencies report there are millions …

There is a podcast that I listen to regularly throughout the week. The podcast generally focuses on politics and world issues. However, …

When traffic is heavy, people are rude, and there are three cars fighting for one parking space, you know it’s Christmas. When …

There is an old saying that goes, “There were only two things certain in life: death and taxes.”Unless Jesus tarries, I know …

These days, there are many motivational speakers, wealthy people, and people of influence who are asked their advice on how to become …

Wow!   What a week! It seems like everything that could go wrong did. This week has been frustrating, irritating, exhausting, and …

Every once in a while, my wife asks me to go out, get her lunch, and drop it off to her at …

Feeling down? As the weight of the world is on your shoulders. It seems like no one can help. You try to …

I have to admit it, this one’s on me. It’s my fault. I’m to blame. All eight fingers and two thumbs are …

The phone rings. You look down and check the caller ID. You take a deep breath and sigh. On the other end …

The Free Gift He stood there gazing upon each of them. A slight grin crossed his face. He looked at them like …

Christ The Redeemer He suddenly wakes up in a cold sweat. His heartbeat is racing. His eyes take a moment to adjust …